You would think a two-hour movie would take roughly two hours to watch. Not in my house.
You go to Redbox, buy the thing [or rather, your mother does it], turn it on sometime mid-afternoon, have to stop with just over an hour left to make dinner.
So you make dinner, eat dinner, clean up after dinner.
Then you and your mommy [since no one else in the house could be bothered joining you for said movie experience] go to watch the rest. But can't because someone's obsessed with Two and a Half Men [not that I blame them] and can't seem to peel themselves away from it long enough to finish the movie. And then when you finally get it back on, your grandmother calls and that cuts out another chunk of time. So by the time the thing's over, it's nearly 8:00 and your entire day has been very nearly wasted thanks to one mere two-hour movie.
So it had better be a damn good movie, right?
This specific one being The Social Network.
Now, you have to know first that I rarely watch movies with my family - mostly for a couple reasons:
A.) They're watching something I don't care about
B.) I have things I would rather do [in other words; I don't care to see the movie enough to stop whatever other nonsense I'm doing]
C.) Things like this happen, and I'm far too much an impatient person to be in for that on a daily basis.
So me bothering to watch this one at all meant I expected it to not suck, at the very least. And considering how much I actually wound up liking it, I think I win. [Depending upon how you view the term 'win' since I did, in fact, sort of wind up killing the entirety of my day. But then, I'm more of an insomniac anyway so who the hell cares.]
For those of you out of the inter-connected, continuous loop: The Social Network is essentially, the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook. A chunk through the movie you [read: me, but for the sake of argument and my own personal mindset, I'm going to pretend you all agree with me and feel the same way I do] wind up kind of hating him and feel like ditching Facebook out of sheer spite, but you know you won't because then you wouldn't be able to talk to all those people that don't actually like you. And it'd make stalking everyone that much more difficult.
By the time it's over though, I think I'm sufficiently impressed. I also think the guy that created Napster - assuming he's at least fairly similar to how he was portrayed in the movie - is kind of an ass and needs to be kicked. Though, my outlook on that particular subject could have to do with the fact he was played by Justin Timberlake, who I think needs to be kicked just for having the face he has.
Anyway. Cool movie. Check it out.
Also, I confuse myself. [Incoming very brief rambling on the subject of alcohol.]
I tend to hate the thought of alcohol just because I've come to hate drunkenness and certain people when they're drunk. Various reasons, but it all comes back to me being strongly annoyed by drinking in general.
But only sometimes. The rest of the time I kind of don't care. As a whole, my outlook is simple; Don't get drunk enough in public that you'd do something you'd regret, don't do things that would endanger other people unless they're merely endangering themselves with their own knowledge [i.e. don't drive drunk ffs, but if you're going to and there's other people in the car...well, that's their own fault.], and besides that....I don't care.
The part about this subject and me that confusing the living daylights out of me is the fact that I'm the one who wrote an entire essay for school about how the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 - and I believe it should.
[I suppose it isn't really that I'm against alcohol, because I'm not - I'm against stupid people.]
That said, it brings up another point; Seriously. Why the hell isn't the drinking age 18 anyway? It makes zero sense. It's like....not legalizing prostitution, weed and guns.
Oh, now you're confused. Elaboration time!
Reasons for changing the drinking age from 21 to 18: Why not? The people who are going to be stupid with alcohol are going to do it regardless of age. Better to let people drink at 18 in public/with friends or family where they aren't as likely to be moronic about it, because they aren't hiding it. Ffs, if we trust 18 year olds to go to war for us, take responsibility for all their own actions, own a house, make a decent living, and hell, even bathe themselves and get dressed properly half the time, we shouldn't we trust them to be reasonably responsible with alcohol? Really now.
Well obviously saying 'hey guys, this is illegal' doesn't really stop anybody from doing anything. If they wanna run around getting paid for screwing a lonely guy who has few-to-no other options...why tell 'em they can't? Because it's 'wrong'? Fuck wrong and right - it's all a matter of opinion anyway. Despite the actual act and how most people feel about it, there are enough 'high class' businesses of this type that you can't really say they're all disgusting gutter-sluts. Just tax it and call it even.
Yet again, if you think the 'law' is going to stop people from doing what they want, you're out of your gullible little minds. It's got medicinal uses, really ISN'T bad like most drugs and well...why not? By no means am I saying legalize any or all other drugs - because as a whole, most of that shit is seriously fucked up and belongs in a crypt somewhere - but....ah, go listen to Bob Marley and relax.
This just....confuses me. Why the hell wouldn't guns be legal? [I say this just because you have one side of politics all 'yay guns' and the other side all 'guns are evilll' - not because they are or aren't legal currently, wherever.] Those who are going to use them responsibly would and do have licenses, know how to use them, and wouldn't be retarded with them. Those that DON'T have acceptable uses in mind for them....aren't going to bother getting licensed and would just as easily steal them. Really.
People say crime rates go down if guns are illegal. But that makes zero sense. If you have an armed robber running around breaking in houses, threatening people, wouldn't you want to be able to protect yourself and your family? How many robbers are going to go breaking in homes if they know guns are legal and there's at least a decent chance that whoever lives there has a gun, knows how to use it, and wouldn't think twice about doing so? If, on the other hand, they're illegal and most people DON'T have them....what's going to stop someone from mugging people? If you think you have nothing to fear, why fear at all?
Ah. People confuse me more than I confuse myself sometimes. And that's saying something.
[Excuse all the random opinions. I'm feeling vaguely....opinionated. For lack of a better term.]
Anyway. I think I'ma go now.