Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Rainbow Notebook and....well...HARD LIKE HEROIC, MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE

So, I know I said I'd post pictures and stuff when I finished that notebook I said I was gonna try to make.
Long story short: I have yet to make that one, but I made a different one. Not with coffee-stained pages; a rainbow one.
Obviously it isn't perfect - considering I went into it without any remote type of directions or actual plan. That said, I posted a collage-type picture and some wordage on >my deviantART page< earlier. Thought I'd just repost it here, so here it is; 

SO. After :icondruidchickz: started making and uploading her own journals, I decided I had to try my hand at it as well. [And therefore, she is what inspired this; as clarification. Massively talented artist, really cool person, and I suggest you go check out her stuff.]

She made her own by taking an old or damaged book, removing it's pages, decorating her own, tying them in, and redecorating the covers. She's come up with some fantastic, really gorgeous journals by doing this.
I, on the other hand, didn't have any old books around. I decided that wasn't enough to stop me from trying it, and so mine is made entirely from scratch.
Basic process;
The pages are simply white printer paper, cut in half and painted on both sides with watercolor paints. Those were pretty simple.
I wasn't sure how I was going to make the cover, but after flinging a few ideas around, I went with a simple method: I had a piece of fairly thick, sturdy cardboard lying around. I cut two pieces to fit the pages, slightly overlapping them.
Just about the hardest part of this, I think, was finding out how to put holes in the cardboard so I could tie it them and the pages together. [The cardboard was just slightly too thick for my hole puncher.] I wound up taking a pen and piercing the cardboard. Took quite a while and some muscle, but it worked.
I then covered the cardboard with a sheet of white tissue paper, gluing the paper to the board. I went a little further, dying two more sheets of paper rainbow-colored and decorating them [the little dots on them are all individually-glued on; I used the extra paper that was punched out for holes], and gluing them to each of the inside covers.
It's all held together by simple lavender gift-wrapping ribbon. [I found it the simplest method; idea again taken from :icondruidchickz: She seems to have used ribbon like this to tie the pages to the books in at least one of her journals.]
I decorated the covers with more water colors; penciling patterns, drawing over them with pens, and then taking the paint to them.
The quote on the front is "Everything has it's beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius
I'm filling the journal with some of my favorite quotes.

And that's that. :P
I plan on making some more; Next probably will be what I thought I'd make first, but didn't, including the pages I previously coffee-stained.
And there it is.
I'm sure I'll post something similar when I get the coffee stained one finished - no guarantees when that'll be, but in the meantime....
>Some epic WoW nonsense<

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Parental Brainwashing and Baby X

So the puppy's going well enough so far. Smart doggy. Still nippy, and getting into things, but for a puppy he's pretty good. [Granted, not everyone's cooperating as well as they could, but all in good time.]
That said, something else I have to mention, since it's now on my mind.
On another site, a decent friend of mine posted >this link<
It's a little lengthy, but if you can be bothered I'd strongly suggest reading it. 
Obviously I like the real message - that parents and everyone else are so brain-washed into thinking that their kids HAVE to act one way or another [decided by their gender] or there's something 'wrong' with them. And that when you stop worrying about what everyone else is thinking about, you and your kid(s) are likely to wind up a lot better off.
That said, it made me think of something else, too: Notice how in that story, the other children took a short time to get used to the new thing [in this case, X], but after they'd decided it wasn't a bad thing, they were perfectly happy and treated it just like anything else - normally. Alternatively, the parents never fully got over it, and were so stuck in their own little world where anything that was different was automatically wrong. On top of that, the biggest excuse for thinking this way that the parents had, was that it might screw up THEIR kids.
I find this absolutely ridiculous, because that's how people actually are: My sisters and I grew up on things like the 'Old' Disney and Nickelodeon. I.e. shows like Lizzie McGuire, Boy Meets World, Zoey 101 and others. There was nothing WRONG with those. Now it's nothing but sugar-coated garbage that makes kids think the world is rainbows and sunshine. They don't even air shows like Boy Meets World on kid's channels anymore. WE didn't wind up screwy - we learned to think for ourselves, not to be brainwashed by the media and anyone else.
Everyone's so afraid of everything. Parents forget that it isn't the shows that screw kids up - it's their parenting. We knew what was right and wrong, and it wasn't 'bad' tv shows or 'good' tv shows that taught us that - it was our parents.
People are so caught up with trying not to offend each other that they forget kids don't actually UNDERSTAND any of the 'bad' stuff - they learn it later, sure, but at 8 years old there aren't too many kids that are grasping any dirty innuendos in otherwise harmless shows. It flies over their heads, and parents don't understand that. [No, I'm not saying let them watch things like the Exorcist or anything horrifically dirty, but don't overreact about everything. My sisters and I were OBSESSED with the movie Grease when we were little. We didn't KNOW what the words to Grease Lightning meant - we didn't care. All we knew was that Danny was awesome, Sandy needed to lighten up, and the guys mooning the camera were goofy in the most epic way possible.]
Be a good, protective parent, yeah - but don't be the one screwing up your kid by trying to keep it sheltered from everything. There are a lot of things in the world, and flipping out over a show or not letting kids interact with people who are a little 'different' is going to leave them with a far more warped outlook on life than letting them figure things out, make mistakes, and actually understand things the way they are.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

This is Starting to Become a Thing, Getting Dogs on Superbowl Weekend

First off, forgive me for not writing anything the past week. I kind of didn't even slightly notice it had been that long. I've been busier than I thought, I suppose. Also, I just spent way too long babbling too much writing a journal on deviantART. SO, rather than re-write the entire thing, I'm just copy/pasting what I wrote there, here. [You may already be aware of some stuff from reading this blog. You may not. But, now you'll know it all.]
[WARNING: Long rambling story you probably don't care about incoming. The shortened, lazy-person's version shall be at the very end.]
To elaborate/clarify; We got a puppy yesterday. The last puppy we got, we also got Superbowl Weekend. [But that was like...6 years ago.]
I'll post pictures when I take some/get the chance, but in the meantime:
My dad's been a little obsessed with getting a 'real' [read: Big] dog for quite a while. [We have a Yorkie (9yrs) and a rat terrier (6yrs) - we never got a big dog since my mom wasn't comfortable with them, especially when my sisters and I were little.]
Us being the lazy, impatient people that we are, we didn't do much by the way of training at any point so far in my other dogs' lives. Therefore, Mom's been insisting that we train the dogs we already have before adding another to the mix. [Our dogs aren't 'BAD' exactly - just very anti-social and a little....dominant. LDS, what can you do.]
But then my dad went into excitement-overload mode [MOMMY SHOWED SIGNS OF PUSHOVERNESS, THERE'S A POSSIBILITY!] and began constantly researching bigger dogs. We were pretty set on a Great Dane, until we convinced him out of it due to their massive risk for multiple health issues. [And considering our current funds and whatnot, another dog at all is a little bit of a stretch, but we'll manage. Really not smart to take something so risky since we don't have the money to be at the vet 24/7 as might be necessary with something like a Great Dane.]
After going through alllll the possibilities, we started thinking about a Black Mouth Cur. Then on one of the adoption sites my dad had been frequenting, he found a 14 week old Boxer/Black Mouth Cur mix just a little bit north of us. My mom began corresponding with one of the women running the place at the beginning of the week, and we had an appointment to meet him set up for yesterday morning at one of the local Petsmarts.
So after a few hours of waiting around [ah, they got lost. Happens, I guess?] and making a few phone calls to make sure nothing was out of order, we decided to run across the street and have breakfast. Dad, being the 12 year old that he is, ran back over to the store while our food was being made. Came back all giddy since the dog had finally arrived. [Mom sent him over to check, since he'd have wound up with indigestion if he had to wait through his meal not knowing if they were there or not.]
So after we'd finished breakfast [quickly, mind you. It's a wonder we all weren't sick. Poor Jackie [:iconswirlydoodle: didn't even get to finish her pancakes since the rest of us were rushing her.] we all ran back over, made a beeline to the adoption set-up, and....well, it was pretty much a given he wasn't staying there.
Mom made a bit of a deal about his eye, but ah. [He has a fairly noticeable scar on the bottom half of his right eye. We knew this from the adoption site before meeting him. Quoting (copy/paste) from the site, he "has a scar on his bottom eyelid. It seems to be an old njury and the vet said it does not impact his eyesight. He said the lscar may or may not heal completely but eiither way, his vision is fine."]
As a whole....this puppy's ridiculous amounts of awesome. Isn't being a psycho and barking at everyone, gets along fantastically with both people and other dogs, is learning quickly [seriously, he already understands 'sit' just about flawlessly] and is extremely...sweet, for lack of a better term.
He's not getting along brilliantly with our other dogs just yet, but it'll take some time. [He wants to play....they're afraid he's going to squish them....Process, it is. They're getting better.] But he got along awesomely with the neighbor's dogs, most everyone in Petsmart yesterday, and the year-old, 106lb female Black Mouth Cur that lives next to my grandparents.
That said, he's in his inquisitive puppy stage. In other words, he found the red blanket covering our bird's cage, pulled on it, and toppled the whole thing over. I'm sure the bird wasn't pleased.

Ah. His name's Dante. We decided to just go with what the adoption agency had named him, rather than confuse him. [Even though he doesn't seem to really know his name just yet.]

SOYEAH. S'pretty awesome.
SHORTENED VERSION for the lazies:
Dad wanted a big dog. Mom caved. Found one online. Met and adopted him yesterday. Epic dog, getting along well enough with everyone. Other dogs getting used to him. Work in progress.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pictures and Puppies

Now that I've just finished adding way too many pictures/quotes around here, I think I'm more or less satisfied. 
Speaking of pictures, I've finally been convinced to bother joining Flickr. And thus, my new Flickr account:
Check it out. Or don't. 

Lazylazylazy day. 
The likelihood of us getting a puppy has shot up by about, say, 40% or so.  [And I'll estimate for the hell of it that it was about 40-50% BEFORE today/yesterday, so we're look at a basic probability of 80-90% right now.]
Why the sudden increase? 
Well, considering my dad has done very little apart from constantly researching dogs since the topic was brought up with a hint of possibility, this was bound to happen sooner or later. 
What was?
Ah. He may have finally found one that'll work.

After everyone being very into the idea of a Great Dane, I think I/we've finally convinced everyone out of it. [I love them to death, but seeing how they have way too many health risks...and we're sorta fairly broke as is....we just really don't need that right now.]
A neighbor of my grandparents' adopted a Blackmouth Cur puppy not long ago. We started looking into them, and I believe it was yesterday or so that my dad came across a Blackmouth Cur/Boxer mix puppy, not too far from here. Sooo.....Once my mom gets some sort of message back from whoever's in charge and sets up a meeting, we'll likely be meeting him and, well....we'll just have to see what happens, eh?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It Seems April Might Wind Up A Semi-Busy Month

Ulcers suck.
[And to clarify; I don't mean anything along the lines of, say, stomach ulcers. Just those irritating bumps you get on your tongue from eating too much of something sour/citrus-y. Something I brought upon myself, yet again, but that doesn't make it any better.]

In other news: Candles are awesome. Matches are awesomer for allowing me to have candles lit. My neighbor's cats are kind of awesome, too. [An odd statement in itself - 'cats' and 'awesome' don't go together too often.] Tank tops are not the most suitable attire for holding a cat that really isn't fond of being force-fed medicine. I could very easily be attending prom in a couple months. Those little bottles of syrup you get at Cracker Barrel are definitely worth stocking up on, for when you run out at home and just happen to be having pancakes.

In more specific, weirder news; "WAIT WATI WAIT...Meg+prom? Wut." 
Which, if I were you, would totally be my reaction to that randomly-placed sentence in the text-block above, so I'm going to go ahead and assume it's your reaction, too.
Either way. Boyfriend now seemingly interested in going. [Love is a funny thing - I do believe it makes people do things they otherwise wouldn't. I mean, nobody sane would actually think of bringing me along to something that would include any type of dancing, so surely he must be unstable. Or maybe that's why we get along so well: We're both nuts.] Meaning, should that play out, I'm going to need a dress....and more frighteningly, heels. Something both to look forward to, and dread just a little bit. 

Oh. Other news I seem to have skipped mentioning the last few days: As my sister's 16th birthday was Wednesday, and one of the only things she asked for was a concert, it seems we get to go to that. So, massive amounts of yay. The yay is amplified by the fact one of my bestbest friends [For the past like...4 1/2 years that I've still yet to meet in person...] is likely going to wind up going as well. So it'll really just be a pile of awesome. 
All Time Low - Yellowcard - Hey Monday - The Summer Set. 
Now, as we've already seen ATL and Hey Monday, we know they're pretty awesome. [Honestly, I'm really not too fond of Hey Monday as a whole, but they sort of kick ass live, so it's all good. And it's hard to dislike ATL.] The Summer Set is generally not a type of music I'm insanely fond of, but they're tolerable at least. And Yellowcard is massive amounts of awesome. 
So. Moar things to look forward to. This one without any traces of dread. [Not, of course, to say I'm actually terrified of the idea of prom or anything. Just...mildly disturbed, is all.]

K. I might bother taking more/uploading pictures here in a bit. Go me for some odd form of productivity.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Plantar's Warts Are the New Bane of My Existence, and Pancakes Are Starting to Become a Semi-Regular Occurance.

You know what sucks? Not being photogenic. Not to whine, or anything, but it'd just be cool to not have to go through 20 pictures to find one decent one. This is why I prefer being behind the camera.

Speaking of which, finally got a chunk of inspiration and was in my happy-photography mode...when my camera battery dies. My fault - knew it was low, didn't charge it, forgot about it. S'what I get. BUT, now it's charging all content in a corner and sometime either later tonight or perhaps Sunday I'll actually bother uploading said pictures - since I haven't taken/uploaded anything in ages and it's kind of getting to me. 

Also; Plantar's Warts need to go die. Seriously? Shit's not even funny. When you start having to pick your foot up in the shower because it's too sore to stand on, it's reached a new level and must be put down. So, since I've kind of far surpassed the two-week period of dropping salicylic acid on it and it's still hanging around....A number of other options have come to mind...
  • Take a torch to it and burn the little bastard off. 
  • Since it's located just under my big toe on my left foot, another option would be sticking that entire front portion of my foot in acid. Can't come back if all that's left is bone, right?
  • Jackhammer. 'Nough said.
  • Numb my whole foot, then find a butcher's knife and cut/pry it out. Continue to numb until healed. [Note; Have cotton balls/some other form of soaking-device around for blood.]
  • Just take the easy way out and chop my whole foot off, right at the ankle. 
I'm a slightly twitchy person, so a third or so of it's been removed....[Go figure, the acid does kind of loosen things up a little. Any part that isn't directly connected to my foot is gone.] Aaand there's a couple little black spots of dried blood, since I can't seem to leave the parts that are in my foot alone, either. 

Do forgive the less-than-appealing topic choice above. This thing's irritating the hell out of me. 

On the bright side, there will likely be more pancakes, and Cuban sammiches tomorrow. [The brighter side is that I don't mind cooking.]

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Server Maintenance = Pancakes

Title confuse you? Understandably so. It seems my will-power has swelled a little and I'm still working on math, so let me break it down for you:
7 days in a week. World of Warcraft being playable all of these - minus about half a day a week, every Tuesday. [Tuesdays are server maintenance day - all servers down for fixing bugs/adding things/all=around maintenance.] 
So, 7 - 1/2 = 6 1/2. Leaving half a day a week free from distractions of WoW. So essentially, leaving half a day to kill, in the morning/midday....
And thus, server maintenance = pancakes.
[For those of you who are particularly slow; I got up my normal 8:40 time, got math and such out of the way, and decided fuck it, I have hours left, I want pancakes. So I made pancakes. Then I got murdered repeatedly in Black Ops because I haven't played enough to be decent and my sisters have. But, at least there were pancakes.]

And I know this post alone makes me seem like one of those game-obsessed, sleep-deprived, zombie people. That's only partially true, I swear. 
[Zombies don't eat pancakes - unless they're brain pancakes.]
Forgive me for the complete ignoring of this for the past week or so - I may have forgotten about it ever-so-slightly. Nor did I really have anything to say, so in a sense, I think I spared you. 

Now, I'm kind the writing mood. I kind of miss journalism, oddly. [Was on my school newspaper for a few years. Quit one or two ago. Got too....unworthy, for lack of a better term. (And yeah, I know: "School paper?'re homeschooled. /bonk" Online classes = online news, oddly enough.)]
So, article-writing would be cool, but seeing how there's really no point in me just writing things to write them. [Or rather, I COULD just make a blog for articles and such, but...I feel odd doing that. Why, I'm not sure - just one of those weird twitches you kind of want to kick in the face, but twitches don't have faces so you're perpetually screwed.]
Writing-to-write doesn't seem to fit articles, for me. Which is why I'd just go with my random fiction writing. The problem with that is I always tend to get too into it, and start sending it to people. And then I wind up regretting it, deleting the whole thing, and swearing off it entirely for months.
It's a circle, I swear.

Moving on, because I know that made little sense and I can't be bothered to go back and fix it now;
...Actually, no. I'm just gonna go. I think I'm a little out of it today. 

Sidenote; Narwhals will fuck you up. Never pet the narwhal. [It's a conclusion and you'll do well to abide by it.]

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Forgive My Complete Lack of Enthusiasm

So after that monster of a post yesterday, I really don't have much of anything to say right now. Besides the fact that I got up before 9, got what I had to do out of the way early, and spent the rest of the day doing nonsense on WoW.....Semi-productive, not really entertaining for you. My apologies. Maybe something better will be in store tomorrow. Maybe not. 
And now it's just after 10 and I'm sleepy. Which is dumb, but fails to be helped. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Unnecessary Tutorial and a Letter to the Future

First off, I figured I'd give you something interesting to do: Send the older you a letter.
Or, in more specific terms: You write up something to tell yourself oh, maybe five years from now [or however long you choose - you pick the date] and then you wait. And when it comes around to whatever date you decided on, you'll get an email [to whatever email you specified] from the younger you. 
I sent mine to November 20th, 2013, which will be the day before my 20th birthday. It's only a few years from now, but I figure at the time being, that's good enough.
So, go check out >FutureMe<, and thank StumbleUpon once again for something awesome.

On to other news, I'm finally finished with staining/burning all those papers. And I figured just in case, I'd throw in a mini-tutorial. So, here we go, pictures included. [Not my best, mind you. I wasn't going to bother and then I thought I might as well be even more productive and...well, here.]

There's more ways to go about this than you might think. From tea-staining, to coffee-staining, to burning, and multiple options for each, you might want to experiment a little. That's what I did, and what I finally ended up doing was using a candle to burn the edges of each individual piece of paper, and staining them using coffee. Really quite happy with the result, myself. 
>DruidChickz<, that epically talented artist on deviantART I mentioned a few days ago [the one who was making her own notebooks, and gave me this whole idea in the first place] let me know how she did her own: Take a really black cup of coffee, paint the pages with it, and then blow-dry them with a hair dryer. Simple enough. I combined her option with a couple others.

1.) Get paper. She and I used simple white printer paper. [the pictures below might confuse you, size-wise: I didn't want huge papers, so I folded a bunch in half and cut them, leaving the edges jagged. Cool effect, but it goes a little unnoticed once stained/burned.] I can't say how this will work with any type of paper, but I had no problem with what I used. 

2.) You're choice - Either burning or coffee-staining. I did both, and I tried doing each first and second, and the order I did them didn't seem to make much difference, so for the sake of listing we'll go with burning first: I just used a simple candle. [Lighters have gotten the best of me, so I used a match to light it. Just thought I'd through that out there. Do be careful. Or you know, don't. If you use a match, have a cup of water nearby to dunk it in after.] I'd suggest doing all of this in a bathroom or kitchen since it can get kind of messy with the coffee, and it's best to have water around just in case you, ya know, light something on fire.]
Simple hold the paper about an inch above the candle flame, moving around until you get the desired color you want. It almost undoubtedly WILL catch fire a time or two - personally, I like this, because it creates a better effect here and there. Try to keep that minimal though, and don't leave the paper over the flame in one place for too long, just let it darken slightly and keep moving. You can do this to the entire paper, but with my experimenting, that just takes too long, leaves the paper too crunchy, and doesn't wind up looking as good. Play around and see what you like. [When it does catch fire, you can either quickly run it under water, or just blow it out. I opted for the second option more often.]

3.) Coffee-staining. The best way to go about this, apparently, is by using really black coffee. I didn't have extremely black coffee, and it still turned out to my liking. [Again, experiment. Blacker will probably be a little better, but do what you can.] I simply dipped a paintbrush in coffee and proceeded to paint the pages. That way seemed a little too....light, for my liking, so after a couple tries that way I started just dumping a bit of coffee on each sheet and spreading it around. [Don't make it too heavy and don't sweep your brush too hard - this IS wet paper and it rips easily; be gentle.] I had each sheet laid out on a hand towel, so as to not get coffee everywhere. Again, keep all this somewhere within easy clean-up range - coffee stains like a bitch [which is a good thing, in this case], so make sure you don't use anything you wouldn't want ruined. 
Let it sit for a bit to dry enough to pick up. It's okay if it's a little uneven, just make sure the whole paper's covered. [Quick note: The pieces below were the last I did. I had some coffee left over so I did the backs of these, that's why they're even more uneven. The one towards the top of the photo is how your own should be, as a whole; fairly evenly wet. If you find the pages aren't dark enough only staining one side, then stain one side, dry the sheet, and flip it over and stain the other side as well.]

4.) Once dry enough to pick up, carefully hold up one sheet at a time, blow-drying it with a hair dryer. Mine's a simple one with only two settings [low and high] and I kept it on the low setting. It takes a little bit, but paper dries quickly. Just dry it like you would hair - keep it moving, not too close. If you like, feel free to crumple the paper a little when still damp [not too wet, remember, or you'll rip it] - creases are cool, right?

Aaaand that's about it. Pretty E-Z mode. Finished thing for me wound up looking like this; 

Obviously, if you choose to do this, you don't have to do it exactly how I did: You can opt to merely stain the pages, just burn the edges, a combo like I did, or anything else you or Google might think of. It's just a cool, simple way to make paper look old/worn. And essentially free, too. I did it over a few days, and I only did about 25 sheets. Expect to spend a little time, but nothing too horrific. 

Note: As mentioned, you can decide to do either the burning, or staining first. I didn't find it made much difference, but if you stain them first and burn after, the fire tends to bring out a cool effect in parts of the paper due to the stains. Really, up to you. Try it out.

I might post pictures when I'm done the notebook if I like how it comes out at all, otherwise....enjoy the paper.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cigarette Lighters Are Seriously Irritating At Times

Considering I was woken by thunderstorm this morning, and was therefore incredibly lazy and stayed in bed till like...close to 1 p.m, there really hasn't been that much interesting going on today. [This also could have to do with the fact I was up till almost 3 a.m. last night, but that's only a maybe.]
Highlight of the day [and last night], or at least the most productive part, is probably the experimenting with coffee and stuff to darken paper....Go figure, I'm kind of liking the results. 
Turns out there's a lot more options to doing this than you might think. After trying a couple different methods, I'm finally satisfied and continuing with merely painting pieces of paper with coffee, drying them with a hair dryer, and using a candle to burn the edges. [Not necessarily in that order...]
Finally, the mystery of cigarette lighters eludes me no longer. And I haven't burned myself bad enough to leave any sort of mark yet, so I'd say we're doing good so far.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Insomnia, Dogs and Coffee

Whoo. Go me for randomly ignoring this for two days. In my defense though, I was a little busy.
Forgiven, right?

  • Friday
Come on. You didn't expect me to be on here when my boyfriend was over, did you? Yes, I understand we hang around playing video games all day the one day a week we see each other, but that's just the kind of nerds we are. Really. I swear.
And I've come to find every time I get on Ventrilo [voice chat system mainly used by gamers. For those of you out of the loop.] I wind up staying up till like 4a.m. As it was Friday.
Oh. And the movie Salt was pretty...I don't really have an adjective for it. Because it wasn't utterly fantastic, but definitely not bad. Yet saying it was 'ok' seems too....blasé. I suppose my lack of love for Angelina Jolie kind of lessened the epicness of it a little. But alas, still worth watching.

  • Saturday
Went to PetSmart to check out the weekend adoption drive again. Different one than last week, so there was more than just the perpetual round of munchkin dogs. But still nothing big enough, apparently.
At this point, it would seem we're leaning strongly toward a Great Dane.
I give it under a few months before we have one. But, we'll just have to see.
Also, we grabbed a little device that's supposed to stop dogs from barking like deranged idiots. Thus far, it seems to be more or less doing it's job. Either that, or there just hasn't been much for our little lapdogs to bark at the past two days. Only time will tell, I suppose. And if all time tells is that the thing's a piece of crap, we have 60 days to return it.
And since my mom's dead-set on making the dogs we already have less retarded, I think she ordered a bunch of The Dog Whisperer DVDs from the library; and then realized she could do the same thing with Two and a Half Men, and proceeded to get increasingly more excited with every second. 
So it would appear we mayyy have a puppy soon. And it seems everyone's more or less agreed on a fawn-colored Great Dane. 
And now we wait. 

Nothing much going on today. 
Still trying to figure out the best way to coffee-stain white printer paper....More experimenting is in order.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm Too Tired For This Shit....

First off, excuse any even-weirder-than-normal ramblings in advance; It's already late and I'm alternating between typing and painting my nails, so my concentration and attention is scattered at best. 
But, even so, I figured I'd be productive [my new favorite word, doesn't it seem?] and bother posting, just in case I don't get to tomorrow. Or, rather, later today, considering the time. 

Big story of the day:
I actually got up a little before 9a.m. 
[I realize you don't actually care about this, but I'm just so damn proud of myself I can't help it. Really.]
Turns out, getting up a decent time actually does give you more time. Makes getting the necessary-yet-generally-unfun things out of the way much easier, and therefore provides way more time for completely trivial things like spending hours farming herbs on WoW for gold. [But I'm now like 5k richer, so it's all worth it. Right?]

You know. I was thinking of things throughout the day that I could actually stick in here, but now I'm too tired and spaced-out to think of anything worthwhile or even begin to type it.
So. Be back in a day or two? /shrug
Happy Weekend

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sudden Spurts of Happiness and Some Random Thoughts

I think I'm liking this whole getting up before noon thing. 
Not, you know, that 10 a.m. is that much of an upgrade, but you've gotta start somewhere, right?
I might even get up a more decent time tomorrow. Like, 9. [This might be stretching it, but we'll see.]
I'm not really sure what it is, but all of a sudden - if by 'sudden' I can mean 'the past week or so' - I've been feeling all productive [even if I haven't actually been doing too much to make me feel this way] an oddly good mood. 
Really. Might just be that I finally seem to have found a happy medium of sorts, between necessities and preferences. [This being actually taking a little better care of me and not, you know, spending the entirety of my life wasting away on the interwebz. Specifically, starting and actually continuing my little yoga-routine, and finally forcing myself to work on math.] Either way, considering I don't have much to stress over - and what I 'have' I'm not bothering to worry myself over - coupled with the fact I'm no longer feeling guilty about doing what I actually LIKE doing when I should be doing 'important' things, because I can't tell the big lazy part of my brain to stuff it and get to work....I'm just all unnecessarily proud of me. [Seriously. Where the fuck is my gold star?]
Now we just have to wait for PMS to swing back around and totally obliterate all the happy for a week or two. 

In another news. I totally did not spend like 3 hours herb-farming on WoW for money. 
But you know what? I did all my necessary good-for-me-important-things, so I'mmmm allowed to, god dammit. 

Oh. And I'm making my own little...notebook of sorts. Or, I'm going to attempt to, anyway. I just randomly thought of doing it last night. So I got a stack of paper, cut it all in half and....actually, that's as far as I've gotten so far. It was too late last night, I got carried away with video games today, and I'm still deciding how to go about it. 
Taking a bit of inspiration from this epically talented artist on deviantART, usernamed >Druidchickz<. Mostly because of two books of her own.. [Namely, >this one< and >this one<. Since I know you'll be too lazy to go to her gallery and look for them yourself. Your welcome.]
Not really sure how I'm going to go about it just yet, and it's very possible I'll wind up very disappointed/frustrated, but we shall see.

Aaand now I'm sleepy and going to bed. 
So. Goodnight. And stuff.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random Opinions and a Movie About Something You Live On

You would think a two-hour movie would take roughly two hours to watch. Not in my house.
You go to Redbox, buy the thing [or rather, your mother does it], turn it on sometime mid-afternoon, have to stop with just over an hour left to make dinner. 
So you make dinner, eat dinner, clean up after dinner. 
Then you and your mommy [since no one else in the house could be bothered joining you for said movie experience] go to watch the rest. But can't because someone's obsessed with Two and a Half Men [not that I blame them] and can't seem to peel themselves away from it long enough to finish the movie. And then when you finally get it back on, your grandmother calls and that cuts out another chunk of time. So by the time the thing's over, it's nearly 8:00 and your entire day has been very nearly wasted thanks to one mere two-hour movie.
So it had better be a damn good movie, right? 
This specific one being The Social Network.
Now, you have to know first that I rarely watch movies with my family - mostly for a couple reasons:
A.) They're watching something I don't care about
B.) I have things I would rather do [in other words; I don't care to see the movie enough to stop whatever other nonsense I'm doing]
C.) Things like this happen, and I'm far too much an impatient person to be in for that on a daily basis.
So me bothering to watch this one at all meant I expected it to not suck, at the very least. And considering how much I actually wound up liking it, I think I win. [Depending upon how you view the term 'win' since I did, in fact, sort of wind up killing the entirety of my day. But then, I'm more of an insomniac anyway so who the hell cares.]
For those of you out of the inter-connected, continuous loop: The Social Network is essentially, the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook. A chunk through the movie you [read: me, but for the sake of argument and my own personal mindset, I'm going to pretend you all agree with me and feel the same way I do] wind up kind of hating him and feel like ditching Facebook out of sheer spite, but you know you won't because then you wouldn't be able to talk to all those people that don't actually like you. And it'd make stalking everyone that much more difficult. 
By the time it's over though, I think I'm sufficiently impressed. I also think the guy that created Napster - assuming he's at least fairly similar to how he was portrayed in the movie - is kind of an ass and needs to be kicked. Though, my outlook on that particular subject could have to do with the fact he was played by Justin Timberlake, who I think needs to be kicked just for having the face he has.
Anyway. Cool movie. Check it out.

Also, I confuse myself. [Incoming very brief rambling on the subject of alcohol.]
I tend to hate the thought of alcohol just because I've come to hate drunkenness and certain people when they're drunk. Various reasons, but it all comes back to me being strongly annoyed by drinking in general. 
But only sometimes. The rest of the time I kind of don't care. As a whole, my outlook is simple; Don't get drunk enough in public that you'd do something you'd regret, don't do things that would endanger other people unless they're merely endangering themselves with their own knowledge [i.e. don't drive drunk ffs, but if you're going to and there's other people in the car...well, that's their own fault.], and besides that....I don't care. 
The part about this subject and me that confusing the living daylights out of me is the fact that I'm the one who wrote an entire essay for school about how the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 - and I believe it should. 
[I suppose it isn't really that I'm against alcohol, because I'm not - I'm against stupid people.]
That said, it brings up another point; Seriously. Why the hell isn't the drinking age 18 anyway? It makes zero sense. It's like....not legalizing prostitution, weed and guns. 
Oh, now you're confused. Elaboration time!
  • Alcohol
Reasons for changing the drinking age from 21 to 18: Why not? The people who are going to be stupid with alcohol are going to do it regardless of age. Better to let people drink at 18 in public/with friends or family where they aren't as likely to be moronic about it, because they aren't hiding it. Ffs, if we trust 18 year olds to go to war for us, take responsibility for all their own actions, own a house, make a decent living, and hell, even bathe themselves and get dressed properly half the time, we shouldn't we trust them to be reasonably responsible with alcohol? Really now. 

  • Prostitution
Well obviously saying 'hey guys, this is illegal' doesn't really stop anybody from doing anything. If they wanna run around getting paid for screwing a lonely guy who has few-to-no other options...why tell 'em they can't? Because it's 'wrong'? Fuck wrong and right - it's all a matter of opinion anyway. Despite the actual act and how most people feel about it, there are enough 'high class' businesses of this type that you can't really say they're all disgusting gutter-sluts. Just tax it and call it even.

  • Weed
Yet again, if you think the 'law' is going to stop people from doing what they want, you're out of your gullible little minds. It's got medicinal uses, really ISN'T bad like most drugs and well...why not? By no means am I saying legalize any or all other drugs - because as a whole, most of that shit is seriously fucked up and belongs in a crypt somewhere - but....ah, go listen to Bob Marley and relax. 

  • Guns
This just....confuses me. Why the hell wouldn't guns be legal? [I say this just because you have one side of politics all 'yay guns' and the other side all 'guns are evilll' - not because they are or aren't legal currently, wherever.] Those who are going to use them responsibly would and do have licenses, know how to use them, and wouldn't be retarded with them. Those that DON'T have acceptable uses in mind for them....aren't going to bother getting licensed and would just as easily steal them. Really. 
People say crime rates go down if guns are illegal. But that makes zero sense. If you have an armed robber running around breaking in houses, threatening people, wouldn't you want to be able to protect yourself and your family? How many robbers are going to go breaking in homes if they know guns are legal and there's at least a decent chance that whoever lives there has a gun, knows how to use it, and wouldn't think twice about doing so? If, on the other hand, they're illegal and most people DON'T have them....what's going to stop someone from mugging people? If you think you have nothing to fear, why fear at all?

Ah. People confuse me more than I confuse myself sometimes. And that's saying something. 
[Excuse all the random opinions. I'm feeling vaguely....opinionated. For lack of a better term.]

Anyway. I think I'ma go now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sudden Realization, PewPew, and a Bit of Irony

Something that kind of sucks: Realizing when you're doing something you like, that it's the last time you'll be doing it. At least, for a while.
It doesn't really even matter how bad it is - take today, for example. You'd think going to the chiropractor would do nothing but induce whining along the lines of 'do we have to go? I wanna sleeeep...' - especially when you're going frequently for months and months. But oddly enough, I really quite liked going. I got used to it. More so, the people working in the office we go to are all so...epic. Only way to put it, I think. That said, it's not a terrible thing, since it means I'm not all structurally screwy, and not like I'll never go again, it'll just be massively less frequent. Which...for lack of a better term, disappoints me a little. 
But it's okay. It's just kind of lame being used to something, or just enjoying it, then realizing it's more or less over. It's worse though, I think, when you don't realize it's over until it really is - then you can't even make the most of it. 
Pity, really. 

On a less depressing note; Black Ops is really kind of awesome. And I suck ever-so-slightly less now. [Granted, this is still me playing against bots,'ve gotta start somewhere, right?] Pew pew.

Aaaand the hunt for a bigger dog is still on...according to my mom, my dad spent all weekend researching. /sigh  The saga continues.

Speaking of mommy....she managed to slip on water/ice/something the other night, and is now very nearly unable to walk. Soo the next few days are likely going to be just a little interesting. Ah. She'll be okay. 

In other news...I may be building a miniature shrine in honor of a friend. Just because she's awesome and told me to. [It's a shrine honoring her humbleness.]

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rude Awakenings and Soon To Be Mass-Suicide

Vaguely interested day and it's not even 3:00. 
Mostly because of the way I woke up: 
*Wake up*
*Check clock.* 10:00.
Cool. I can go back to sleep for a little while. I should get up, but I don't have to. *Roll over*
*Crash* *Trickle trickle*
And I spent the next half hour, drying everyone on my nightstand, making sure the fancy ones were still working, moving my nightstand, drying under it, and putting everything back. 
[See, what happened was that I have this green monster plushie on my pillow. It's kind of round, and normally I have a blanket wrapped around it so it doesn't topple over. But last night I was freezing and proceeded to take the blanket for myself, to keep my little ice-cube toes warm. So when I rolled over this morning....*topple*. He might be staying on the other side of the bed from now on.]
You would think the first half hour of being awake spent that way would have put me in a terrible mood. But then, nobody ever said I was normal. 
And we're having fajitas for dinner, so it's all good. 

And now, some mindless entertainment. Or, a reason to go kill yourself if you're easily upset by stupid.
I found >this article< on a forum earlier today. It's about Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, insisting that it was too much of a hassle, ruining his life, and therefore Facebook will be shut down as of March 15th.
Now if you go to the website, you'll note it's the site 'Weekly World News'. Tagline: "The World's Only Reliable News." 
If that wasn't enough of a tip already, you could check some of the site's other articles. Such as "Young Adults Moving Into Nursing Homes", "Alien Spaceships to Attack Earth in 2011", and "Mike Tyson Pigeon Fetish."
And then, read the comments on the article.
"R u gonna do this? If yes, u r the most stupid thing u'll ever do in ur life! It's place where we can rest, please don't shut it down! :-("
"Omg... I cnt blv its'll b shut dwn... I neva imagin i cn find some1 who cn realy luv me buh diz fb help me 2find out. Plz dnt away, sty with us....:-("
"not being funny or nothing but at the end of the day he dont have to just keep control on the facebook he doesnt have to do everything hire someone you can trust and let them help u out or hire a few people to help you out not everything has to be done by youself its not fair on people who like facebook and what will they do after its gone because it will just get everyone bored and nothing else to do find someone who can ruin or sell the company dont just give it up u silly"

^All real comments copied from the article. 
Just flat out saying, if you believe that article, or likely anything on the are a moron without any hope.
Now I suppose we can just wait for CNN to be reporting about all the 12 year olds who'll commit suicide after reading that article.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Hunt For A Fuzzy Giant and Some Random Nonsense

Why I've felt so damned productive today is beyond me. Getting up at noon kind of hinders most major productivity, apparently. [I know - it's shocking to me too.]
Might have something to do with briefly getting out of the house - due to my father's mission to find a big dog. [We have the tiny, retarded kind, and apparently they don't count.] So we all pile in the car and run to PetSmart just to check out the adoption drive they do on weekends. And of course, there's only little ones. Albeit, cute ones, but little. And we already have little dogs. So that wound up not being so very successful. But one of the ladies running it gave us an email to reach her at, and said if we find something we like, to email her and she'll see about finding one for us. So that might work out. 
Now the whole process of finding what we want, allll over again...It almost appears we're leaning towards a Great Dane - mostly because my mom loves them. Which is saying something, consider how she feels about most big dogs, and animals in general - but daddy insists they might be too big. 
We shall see.
My random, sudden feelings of productivity could also have something to do with a combination of little things: Dishes, grocery-putting-away, finding a new [read: old but oddly new to me] >McFly song< I'm inanely fond of, and a plethora of completely useless, time wasting nonsense - namely, World of Warcraft. [But come on, I did yoga and happily went out with my family and all. I'm allowed, right?]
Despite my productivity - or lack thereof - today, I did get out of something: That being packing up all my necessities in my room and lugging them over to my grandparents. Though, likely enough that'll be happening soon; We still have yet to tile my bedroom, and my mother's getting antsy. /sigh

Also, apologies for ignoring this yesterday - boyfriend was over, since he's camping today and that therefore cut out the rest of the weekend. So really, blogging was in the far back of my mind. The dark, damp place I don't really even know exists most of the time...You feel special, right?

Anyway. That said, now I think I'm off to throw some auctions up on WoW [nerd - it's a thing most of you don't truly understand, but I guarantee you're missing out. Sort of.] and see about taking some pictures. Hmm.

OH. And if anyone has any dog suggestions, lemme know. There's so many to go through it's ridiculous. And we don't really know what would be best for us, considering exactly what we're looking for...
  • Something that doesn't shed ridiculously
  • Something that'll do well with the weather in Florida. And preferably something that would like or at least be able to swim
  • Something good with kids and other dogs. A family dog, really
  • When I say 'big' I mean 'not a toy' - Great Danes are cool, but like daddy said, might  be too big. My boyfriend has a 50-poundish pit bull that my dad loves. She's not huge, but also a good size. Essentially, by big...just a real dog. Not something you could look at and go 'lul. Oversized guinea pig.'
Ahhh. This should be fun. [That being both sarcastic and genuine. Especially considering we want a puppy. Oi.]

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Technical Difficulties and This One Crazy Drunken Blonde Chick

WELL. Technology's a bitch. Wanted to post this yesterday, but noooo - last night when I went to, Blogger was all 'NOWAI. Fuck you, I'm not loading. You're not posting anything else today. I don't care how many times you close the browser, refresh the page or reboot. NOT HAPPENING.' So I had to break out my little-used stock of patience.
Now that we're apparently back in business, you must go watch >this.< 
For those of you who don't know the YouTube channel or who it belongs to, the above link leads to a video of Allie Brosh of >Hyperbole and a Half.< A very drunk, giggly Allie Brosh.
Why share? Because it's totally worth it. And those of you already familiar with her blog will love itttt. And if you're not...well, you are now. 
You're welcome. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Apocalypse is Going to Be Brought On By Spiders. But in the Meantime....

It seems like every time I turn around, there's a spider. 
This possibly has something to do with living right next to a severely unkempt orange grove in Florida. But that's only a possibility.
Whatever the reasoning, there's too many of them. And thus, I'm thoroughly convinced that you're all wrong:
The end of the world will not be by Zombie Apocalypse. It'll be spiders. Lots and lots of spiders. And death. And dying. And then the spiders are all going to crowd around, dance on our bigger-than-them corpses and laugh. 
Or, while we're at it, we'll go with the worst possible outcome; They replace the laughing part with eating. Yes - dance on our bigger-than-them corpses and eat us. Which can only produce one thing: Zombie Spiders.

I'm going to have nightmares now.

Anyway.  Before we're all murdered and devoured by flesh-eating zombie-spiders, we actually have to continue living. [And smushing every spider in eyesight. Seriously. As if their mere existence wasn't a good enough reason already, think about the outcome. Kill them all.]
And while we're on the topic of living and life and liveliness and stuff: Holy balls. I'm going to be 18 this year. 
That creeped up a little sooner than I expected. Now granted, I still have to wait until November, so it's not quite as close as it seems now....but it still is. 
Now we have to take some things into account here...
  • I do not have a license. I cannot get said license until March at the earliest, and that will likely not happen. 
  • I do not have a job. And due to the license issue along with others, I probably will continue not having a job for a while. 
  • I am homeschooled. And therefore will not 'graduate' with a 'diploma' and all those other fancy things. [I still don't get all the complicated homeschooling graduation things. Neither, apparently, does anyone else in the house.] And so....
  • I have to work my face off to comprehend the necessary bits of that hell called math - amongst other things - so as to get my GED. So I can, you know, get a job and stuff. Cool, right?
Not all massively big deals, but irritating nonetheless. Not to mention I have no idea what I want to do. Which, in my case, is actually almost possibly a good thing. But, that's only assuming I don't magically become single. Becaaaause...
He wants to go into the Coast Guard. Which means moving around. Likely quite a bit. As long, of course, as I can hang around too. In which case, schooling for me - and a type of stationary job - is not quite as good a choice.
Good thing I haven't been planning anything. Also a good thing I'm very much not against tiny jobs like bartending and whatnot. Yay versatility! And the internet, in case I change my mind on that whole idea of 'college'. 
Which....oddly enough, at this point I don't hate said idea so much. It's just the fact that I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to go for.
SO. Same basic plan; Get GED. Get out of here. Get job that pays at least acceptable amount of money.

Stressful time of life?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Unentintionally Chaotic" Couldn't Be More Appropriate.

Why I always feel like family irritations are my fault is beyond me. Besides the very large possibility that they generally are....
Oh well.They'll get over it. Eventually.
In the meantime, I'm going to go watch Eragon by myself, so as not to cause further irritation. [Totally not an excuse for ogling >Garrett Hedlund<. Totally not.]

Also, completely random side note; 
Whether or not you're into the Call Of Duty game series, Black Ops specifically, or gaming in any sense at all....Watch >this<.
A.) Seananners. Should be enough of a reason by itself. [Seriously. This guy is utterly fantastic. If ever you're in a bad mood....go watch a Seananners video. It's impossible to not be happy. I swear.]
B.) He. Is. Beast. 

So really. Gaming or not gaming: worth it.
And you can't really disagree with what he's babbling about in this video in particular.

That Was Possibly the Most Miserable Shopping Trip Ever.

Go figure. The mall actually made me unhappy. How very unfair. 
But then, we went for the sole purpose of exchanging something I got for Christmas, for something that fit. [You would think a small would actually be a small. Yay mistagged things! I can't imagine even Victoria's Secret really thinks EVERYONE has an ass like Kim Kardashian.]
So. Sorted that out. Yayy. 
Including VS [which was sickeningly crowded to begin with, considering it's the start of their Semi-Annual sale. Apparently.], we buzzed in and out of four stores. Then left. My mother and sisters are apparently not as fond of the mall as I am...which in itself is very strange. 
"This place sucks." "Who likes this?" "Why'd we used to like it here?" "I thought this was the good mall." "BLEGHHH"
The sad part, is had I been there with someone who actually enjoyed it, or alone, I'd have been there foreverrr. 
I mean really. It's not like I'm ever going to go to a prom or anything along those lines, but is it not still fun to try on stuff you know you won't buy or wear anyway? Pft. I continue to surprise myself when I realize I actually do have at least partially the mind of a girl. Not, you know, that I wouldn't have spent a nice chunk of time at GameStop too....
But ah well. I have fitting jammies and an extra small something for one's unfortunately late birthday. At least there was some productivity, if not actual entertainment?

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Harsh Reality of a Layout's Life

The sound of another layout not working for me.
Really, it was just because the comments weren't working. So I decided it must be the layout. So I changed it. And it still wasn't working. So I changed it to the standard Blogger layouts. And it still didn't work. So I went searching, tweaked a couple things, and I think we're in business.
Despite the fact it was never the layout's fault at all....I like this one better. 
I think we have a keeper.

Cheers to Another One [Couldn't be bothered thinking of an actual title, so I stole one from Rory.]

Forgive me for the lack of motivation, Internet: I know I said I'd likely be skipping New Year's Eve/New Year's Day, but it seems I was just tired [read: lazy] enough to skip yesterday, as well. [But really, are any of you actually surprised?]
Also, forgive me for the lack of actual title. Just couldn't do it. [The song I insisted on using though, can be found here, and was introduced to me by a fantastically goofy guy who is unfortunately no longer with us. Still, totally worth it; cool band, Rory.]
 Now, because I know you're all sickeningly interested to know how MY so utterly fantastic New Year's went: [Fond of sarcasm and hyperbole? Me? WHAT made you think that? Really now.]
Same as usual, really. Being underage makes things like that ever-so-slightly less exciting than other times. Even so, parents had to work, boyfriend spent the night [Yes - Even little hobbits like me aren't totally alone. Shocking? To you and me both, trust me.], we got Black Ops, and proceeded to watch my little sisters - on xbox Live - almost literally scream their faces off at the TV in a South Park-esque display of nerdrage. Fascinating, it really was. My dogs did not enjoy the screaming. 
So the insanity, coupled with 5 1/2 hours of sleep New Year's Eve [Not brought on totally by what you'd think. I swear.] made me alllll the more sleepy and absolutely uncaring about the bloggity yesterday than I normally would have been. Apologies, again.
New Years Day, however, was a little different. Thinking time! [I'm sorry in advance; I promise to make you use that knot between your shoulders as little as possible in the future.] Alright, think about this: When you go to bed around 3 a.m, wake up at 8:30 a.m and have to be out of the house by 11:00 a.m. what do you do? 
You get up, find something to eat, shower, and get on the road. Right?
....You're kidding, right? If you said that, you're wrong. In fact, even if you were too lazy to think about it yourself and just decided it was easier and probably more correct to just agree with my play-by-play, you're still wrong. Never trust a Hobbit - we look trustworthy, but looks are deceiving. 
No. You do none of that. You stay in bed, half asleep, trying not to fall back asleep. You attempt waking each other up [I did mention the boyfriend spent the night, aye? I know I did. You're just too forgetful]. For like, an hour. THEN you get up.
Not quite then.
You get up half an hour or so later. *cough*
 Once you've finally peeled yourself away from the layers of happy that is bed, you now have an hour to get out the door. This coming from someone who can be showered and ready in half an hour when not caring, but usually takes more like an hour or so herself when actually attempting to appear decent.
And we were totally both showered, dressed, bed made, bag together, driving mid-way through my subdivision within 45 minutes.
Oh we're so pro. 
We forgot food. 
And those of you who know me are now going "OMGWTFBBQ MEG ATE MCDONALD'S?!?! *APOCALYPSE*"
No. Meg did not eat McDonald's. Drew ate McDonald's. Meg had a milkshake. Which I've convinced myself doesn't really count since milkshakes aren't really fried and disgusting like everything else within the little death-hide-out that a fast-food establishment [I can't bring myself to say restaurant] is. 
And  you know what hurts? After all of that, we were still a minute late back to his house. [Which his brother insisted upon informing us of. /sigh]
Que all piling back in the car. For like, another two hours. 
But it's okay. Because this time, we were headed to his uncle's 70th surprise birthday party. And it included a bouncy-house. Totally. Worth it. [My mom never let my sisters or me near those things when we were little. Apparently they're big houses built solely for the purpose of children being dismembered, murdered and completely obliterated in. Or something like that.]
After leaving there some hours later, we were on another bit of a drive tooooo the grandparents'. The ones I hadn't met yet. Even if only because of the massively fantastic nighttime air boat ride, I'm now rather fond of them. 
Now at least I can say I've been on an air boat. At night, no less. 
Awesome. Veryvery awesome. Freezing, but awesome. Oh, so jackets do nothing for your toes when wearing flip-flops. But, all's well that ends well, right? I mean, nobody died or anything [including, I think, the baby alligator we floated over] so I'd call it a win. 
An hour and a half or so ride home and a Cuban sammich later, and I was about dead. Go figure, you'd think I could run a little better off 5 1/2 hours sleep than that. Was asleep before 11:30. Whew.
And so concludes the story of the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011 for me.

Yesterday was boring. I have nothing to say about it. /shrug
Today, I got a tiny calendar with pictures of baby animals. There's a hedgehog. It was necessary.
Tomorrow, it would appear a trip the mall is to happen. Which makes me happy.
K. Enough rambling. 
Time to go pester Matt into giving me back my in-game 15k gold.