Monday, January 3, 2011

Cheers to Another One [Couldn't be bothered thinking of an actual title, so I stole one from Rory.]

Forgive me for the lack of motivation, Internet: I know I said I'd likely be skipping New Year's Eve/New Year's Day, but it seems I was just tired [read: lazy] enough to skip yesterday, as well. [But really, are any of you actually surprised?]
Also, forgive me for the lack of actual title. Just couldn't do it. [The song I insisted on using though, can be found here, and was introduced to me by a fantastically goofy guy who is unfortunately no longer with us. Still, totally worth it; cool band, Rory.]
 Now, because I know you're all sickeningly interested to know how MY so utterly fantastic New Year's went: [Fond of sarcasm and hyperbole? Me? WHAT made you think that? Really now.]
Same as usual, really. Being underage makes things like that ever-so-slightly less exciting than other times. Even so, parents had to work, boyfriend spent the night [Yes - Even little hobbits like me aren't totally alone. Shocking? To you and me both, trust me.], we got Black Ops, and proceeded to watch my little sisters - on xbox Live - almost literally scream their faces off at the TV in a South Park-esque display of nerdrage. Fascinating, it really was. My dogs did not enjoy the screaming. 
So the insanity, coupled with 5 1/2 hours of sleep New Year's Eve [Not brought on totally by what you'd think. I swear.] made me alllll the more sleepy and absolutely uncaring about the bloggity yesterday than I normally would have been. Apologies, again.
New Years Day, however, was a little different. Thinking time! [I'm sorry in advance; I promise to make you use that knot between your shoulders as little as possible in the future.] Alright, think about this: When you go to bed around 3 a.m, wake up at 8:30 a.m and have to be out of the house by 11:00 a.m. what do you do? 
You get up, find something to eat, shower, and get on the road. Right?
....You're kidding, right? If you said that, you're wrong. In fact, even if you were too lazy to think about it yourself and just decided it was easier and probably more correct to just agree with my play-by-play, you're still wrong. Never trust a Hobbit - we look trustworthy, but looks are deceiving. 
No. You do none of that. You stay in bed, half asleep, trying not to fall back asleep. You attempt waking each other up [I did mention the boyfriend spent the night, aye? I know I did. You're just too forgetful]. For like, an hour. THEN you get up.
Not quite then.
You get up half an hour or so later. *cough*
 Once you've finally peeled yourself away from the layers of happy that is bed, you now have an hour to get out the door. This coming from someone who can be showered and ready in half an hour when not caring, but usually takes more like an hour or so herself when actually attempting to appear decent.
And we were totally both showered, dressed, bed made, bag together, driving mid-way through my subdivision within 45 minutes.
Oh we're so pro. 
We forgot food. 
And those of you who know me are now going "OMGWTFBBQ MEG ATE MCDONALD'S?!?! *APOCALYPSE*"
No. Meg did not eat McDonald's. Drew ate McDonald's. Meg had a milkshake. Which I've convinced myself doesn't really count since milkshakes aren't really fried and disgusting like everything else within the little death-hide-out that a fast-food establishment [I can't bring myself to say restaurant] is. 
And  you know what hurts? After all of that, we were still a minute late back to his house. [Which his brother insisted upon informing us of. /sigh]
Que all piling back in the car. For like, another two hours. 
But it's okay. Because this time, we were headed to his uncle's 70th surprise birthday party. And it included a bouncy-house. Totally. Worth it. [My mom never let my sisters or me near those things when we were little. Apparently they're big houses built solely for the purpose of children being dismembered, murdered and completely obliterated in. Or something like that.]
After leaving there some hours later, we were on another bit of a drive tooooo the grandparents'. The ones I hadn't met yet. Even if only because of the massively fantastic nighttime air boat ride, I'm now rather fond of them. 
Now at least I can say I've been on an air boat. At night, no less. 
Awesome. Veryvery awesome. Freezing, but awesome. Oh, so jackets do nothing for your toes when wearing flip-flops. But, all's well that ends well, right? I mean, nobody died or anything [including, I think, the baby alligator we floated over] so I'd call it a win. 
An hour and a half or so ride home and a Cuban sammich later, and I was about dead. Go figure, you'd think I could run a little better off 5 1/2 hours sleep than that. Was asleep before 11:30. Whew.
And so concludes the story of the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011 for me.

Yesterday was boring. I have nothing to say about it. /shrug
Today, I got a tiny calendar with pictures of baby animals. There's a hedgehog. It was necessary.
Tomorrow, it would appear a trip the mall is to happen. Which makes me happy.
K. Enough rambling. 
Time to go pester Matt into giving me back my in-game 15k gold.