Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Apocalypse is Going to Be Brought On By Spiders. But in the Meantime....

It seems like every time I turn around, there's a spider. 
This possibly has something to do with living right next to a severely unkempt orange grove in Florida. But that's only a possibility.
Whatever the reasoning, there's too many of them. And thus, I'm thoroughly convinced that you're all wrong:
The end of the world will not be by Zombie Apocalypse. It'll be spiders. Lots and lots of spiders. And death. And dying. And then the spiders are all going to crowd around, dance on our bigger-than-them corpses and laugh. 
Or, while we're at it, we'll go with the worst possible outcome; They replace the laughing part with eating. Yes - dance on our bigger-than-them corpses and eat us. Which can only produce one thing: Zombie Spiders.

I'm going to have nightmares now.

Anyway.  Before we're all murdered and devoured by flesh-eating zombie-spiders, we actually have to continue living. [And smushing every spider in eyesight. Seriously. As if their mere existence wasn't a good enough reason already, think about the outcome. Kill them all.]
And while we're on the topic of living and life and liveliness and stuff: Holy balls. I'm going to be 18 this year. 
That creeped up a little sooner than I expected. Now granted, I still have to wait until November, so it's not quite as close as it seems now....but it still is. 
Now we have to take some things into account here...
  • I do not have a license. I cannot get said license until March at the earliest, and that will likely not happen. 
  • I do not have a job. And due to the license issue along with others, I probably will continue not having a job for a while. 
  • I am homeschooled. And therefore will not 'graduate' with a 'diploma' and all those other fancy things. [I still don't get all the complicated homeschooling graduation things. Neither, apparently, does anyone else in the house.] And so....
  • I have to work my face off to comprehend the necessary bits of that hell called math - amongst other things - so as to get my GED. So I can, you know, get a job and stuff. Cool, right?
Not all massively big deals, but irritating nonetheless. Not to mention I have no idea what I want to do. Which, in my case, is actually almost possibly a good thing. But, that's only assuming I don't magically become single. Becaaaause...
He wants to go into the Coast Guard. Which means moving around. Likely quite a bit. As long, of course, as I can hang around too. In which case, schooling for me - and a type of stationary job - is not quite as good a choice.
Good thing I haven't been planning anything. Also a good thing I'm very much not against tiny jobs like bartending and whatnot. Yay versatility! And the internet, in case I change my mind on that whole idea of 'college'. 
Which....oddly enough, at this point I don't hate said idea so much. It's just the fact that I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to go for.
SO. Same basic plan; Get GED. Get out of here. Get job that pays at least acceptable amount of money.

Stressful time of life?