Sunday, January 16, 2011

Insomnia, Dogs and Coffee

Whoo. Go me for randomly ignoring this for two days. In my defense though, I was a little busy.
Forgiven, right?

  • Friday
Come on. You didn't expect me to be on here when my boyfriend was over, did you? Yes, I understand we hang around playing video games all day the one day a week we see each other, but that's just the kind of nerds we are. Really. I swear.
And I've come to find every time I get on Ventrilo [voice chat system mainly used by gamers. For those of you out of the loop.] I wind up staying up till like 4a.m. As it was Friday.
Oh. And the movie Salt was pretty...I don't really have an adjective for it. Because it wasn't utterly fantastic, but definitely not bad. Yet saying it was 'ok' seems too....blasé. I suppose my lack of love for Angelina Jolie kind of lessened the epicness of it a little. But alas, still worth watching.

  • Saturday
Went to PetSmart to check out the weekend adoption drive again. Different one than last week, so there was more than just the perpetual round of munchkin dogs. But still nothing big enough, apparently.
At this point, it would seem we're leaning strongly toward a Great Dane.
I give it under a few months before we have one. But, we'll just have to see.
Also, we grabbed a little device that's supposed to stop dogs from barking like deranged idiots. Thus far, it seems to be more or less doing it's job. Either that, or there just hasn't been much for our little lapdogs to bark at the past two days. Only time will tell, I suppose. And if all time tells is that the thing's a piece of crap, we have 60 days to return it.
And since my mom's dead-set on making the dogs we already have less retarded, I think she ordered a bunch of The Dog Whisperer DVDs from the library; and then realized she could do the same thing with Two and a Half Men, and proceeded to get increasingly more excited with every second. 
So it would appear we mayyy have a puppy soon. And it seems everyone's more or less agreed on a fawn-colored Great Dane. 
And now we wait. 

Nothing much going on today. 
Still trying to figure out the best way to coffee-stain white printer paper....More experimenting is in order.