Why I always feel like family irritations are my fault is beyond me. Besides the very large possibility that they generally are....
Oh well.They'll get over it. Eventually.
In the meantime, I'm going to go watch Eragon by myself, so as not to cause further irritation. [Totally not an excuse for ogling >Garrett Hedlund<. Totally not.]
Also, completely random side note;
Whether or not you're into the Call Of Duty game series, Black Ops specifically, or gaming in any sense at all....Watch >this<.
A.) Seananners. Should be enough of a reason by itself. [Seriously. This guy is utterly fantastic. If ever you're in a bad mood....go watch a Seananners video. It's impossible to not be happy. I swear.]
B.) He. Is. Beast.
So really. Gaming or not gaming: worth it.
And you can't really disagree with what he's babbling about in this video in particular.
I hope you sort those irritations out =) and had fun watching Eragon.
Keep Updating!
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