Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rude Awakenings and Soon To Be Mass-Suicide

Vaguely interested day and it's not even 3:00. 
Mostly because of the way I woke up: 
*Wake up*
*Check clock.* 10:00.
Cool. I can go back to sleep for a little while. I should get up, but I don't have to. *Roll over*
*Crash* *Trickle trickle*
And I spent the next half hour, drying everyone on my nightstand, making sure the fancy ones were still working, moving my nightstand, drying under it, and putting everything back. 
[See, what happened was that I have this green monster plushie on my pillow. It's kind of round, and normally I have a blanket wrapped around it so it doesn't topple over. But last night I was freezing and proceeded to take the blanket for myself, to keep my little ice-cube toes warm. So when I rolled over this morning....*topple*. He might be staying on the other side of the bed from now on.]
You would think the first half hour of being awake spent that way would have put me in a terrible mood. But then, nobody ever said I was normal. 
And we're having fajitas for dinner, so it's all good. 

And now, some mindless entertainment. Or, a reason to go kill yourself if you're easily upset by stupid.
I found >this article< on a forum earlier today. It's about Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, insisting that it was too much of a hassle, ruining his life, and therefore Facebook will be shut down as of March 15th.
Now if you go to the website, you'll note it's the site 'Weekly World News'. Tagline: "The World's Only Reliable News." 
If that wasn't enough of a tip already, you could check some of the site's other articles. Such as "Young Adults Moving Into Nursing Homes", "Alien Spaceships to Attack Earth in 2011", and "Mike Tyson Pigeon Fetish."
And then, read the comments on the article.
"R u gonna do this? If yes, u r the most stupid thing u'll ever do in ur life! It's place where we can rest, please don't shut it down! :-("
"Omg... I cnt blv its'll b shut dwn... I neva imagin i cn find some1 who cn realy luv me buh diz fb help me 2find out. Plz dnt away, sty with us....:-("
"not being funny or nothing but at the end of the day he dont have to just keep control on the facebook he doesnt have to do everything hire someone you can trust and let them help u out or hire a few people to help you out not everything has to be done by youself its not fair on people who like facebook and what will they do after its gone because it will just get everyone bored and nothing else to do find someone who can ruin or sell the company dont just give it up u silly"

^All real comments copied from the article. 
Just flat out saying, if you believe that article, or likely anything on the are a moron without any hope.
Now I suppose we can just wait for CNN to be reporting about all the 12 year olds who'll commit suicide after reading that article.