Friday, January 28, 2011

Plantar's Warts Are the New Bane of My Existence, and Pancakes Are Starting to Become a Semi-Regular Occurance.

You know what sucks? Not being photogenic. Not to whine, or anything, but it'd just be cool to not have to go through 20 pictures to find one decent one. This is why I prefer being behind the camera.

Speaking of which, finally got a chunk of inspiration and was in my happy-photography mode...when my camera battery dies. My fault - knew it was low, didn't charge it, forgot about it. S'what I get. BUT, now it's charging all content in a corner and sometime either later tonight or perhaps Sunday I'll actually bother uploading said pictures - since I haven't taken/uploaded anything in ages and it's kind of getting to me. 

Also; Plantar's Warts need to go die. Seriously? Shit's not even funny. When you start having to pick your foot up in the shower because it's too sore to stand on, it's reached a new level and must be put down. So, since I've kind of far surpassed the two-week period of dropping salicylic acid on it and it's still hanging around....A number of other options have come to mind...
  • Take a torch to it and burn the little bastard off. 
  • Since it's located just under my big toe on my left foot, another option would be sticking that entire front portion of my foot in acid. Can't come back if all that's left is bone, right?
  • Jackhammer. 'Nough said.
  • Numb my whole foot, then find a butcher's knife and cut/pry it out. Continue to numb until healed. [Note; Have cotton balls/some other form of soaking-device around for blood.]
  • Just take the easy way out and chop my whole foot off, right at the ankle. 
I'm a slightly twitchy person, so a third or so of it's been removed....[Go figure, the acid does kind of loosen things up a little. Any part that isn't directly connected to my foot is gone.] Aaand there's a couple little black spots of dried blood, since I can't seem to leave the parts that are in my foot alone, either. 

Do forgive the less-than-appealing topic choice above. This thing's irritating the hell out of me. 

On the bright side, there will likely be more pancakes, and Cuban sammiches tomorrow. [The brighter side is that I don't mind cooking.]