First off, forgive me for not writing anything the past week. I kind of didn't even slightly notice it had been that long. I've been busier than I thought, I suppose. Also, I just spent way too long babbling too much writing a journal on deviantART. SO, rather than re-write the entire thing, I'm just copy/pasting what I wrote there, here. [You may already be aware of some stuff from reading this blog. You may not. But, now you'll know it all.]
----------------------------------------------[WARNING: Long rambling story you probably don't care about incoming. The shortened, lazy-person's version shall be at the very end.]
To elaborate/clarify; We got a puppy yesterday. The last puppy we got, we also got Superbowl Weekend. [But that was like...6 years ago.]
I'll post pictures when I take some/get the chance, but in the meantime:
My dad's been a little obsessed with getting a 'real' [read: Big] dog for quite a while. [We have a Yorkie (9yrs) and a rat terrier (6yrs) - we never got a big dog since my mom wasn't comfortable with them, especially when my sisters and I were little.]
Us being the lazy, impatient people that we are, we didn't do much by the way of training at any point so far in my other dogs' lives. Therefore, Mom's been insisting that we train the dogs we already have before adding another to the mix. [Our dogs aren't 'BAD' exactly - just very anti-social and a little....dominant. LDS, what can you do.]
But then my dad went into excitement-overload mode [MOMMY SHOWED SIGNS OF PUSHOVERNESS, THERE'S A POSSIBILITY!] and began constantly researching bigger dogs. We were pretty set on a Great Dane, until we convinced him out of it due to their massive risk for multiple health issues. [And considering our current funds and whatnot, another dog at all is a little bit of a stretch, but we'll manage. Really not smart to take something so risky since we don't have the money to be at the vet 24/7 as might be necessary with something like a Great Dane.]
After going through alllll the possibilities, we started thinking about a Black Mouth Cur. Then on one of the adoption sites my dad had been frequenting, he found a 14 week old Boxer/Black Mouth Cur mix just a little bit north of us. My mom began corresponding with one of the women running the place at the beginning of the week, and we had an appointment to meet him set up for yesterday morning at one of the local Petsmarts.
So after a few hours of waiting around [ah, they got lost. Happens, I guess?] and making a few phone calls to make sure nothing was out of order, we decided to run across the street and have breakfast. Dad, being the 12 year old that he is, ran back over to the store while our food was being made. Came back all giddy since the dog had finally arrived. [Mom sent him over to check, since he'd have wound up with indigestion if he had to wait through his meal not knowing if they were there or not.]
So after we'd finished breakfast [quickly, mind you. It's a wonder we all weren't sick. Poor Jackie [
Mom made a bit of a deal about his eye, but ah. [He has a fairly noticeable scar on the bottom half of his right eye. We knew this from the adoption site before meeting him. Quoting (copy/paste) from the site, he "has a scar on his bottom eyelid. It seems to be an old njury and the vet said it does not impact his eyesight. He said the lscar may or may not heal completely but eiither way, his vision is fine."]
As a whole....this puppy's ridiculous amounts of awesome. Isn't being a psycho and barking at everyone, gets along fantastically with both people and other dogs, is learning quickly [seriously, he already understands 'sit' just about flawlessly] and is extremely...sweet, for lack of a better term.
He's not getting along brilliantly with our other dogs just yet, but it'll take some time. [He wants to play....they're afraid he's going to squish them....Process, it is. They're getting better.] But he got along awesomely with the neighbor's dogs, most everyone in Petsmart yesterday, and the year-old, 106lb female Black Mouth Cur that lives next to my grandparents.
That said, he's in his inquisitive puppy stage. In other words, he found the red blanket covering our bird's cage, pulled on it, and toppled the whole thing over. I'm sure the bird wasn't pleased.
Ah. His name's Dante. We decided to just go with what the adoption agency had named him, rather than confuse him. [Even though he doesn't seem to really know his name just yet.]
SOYEAH. S'pretty awesome.
SHORTENED VERSION for the lazies:
Dad wanted a big dog. Mom caved. Found one online. Met and adopted him yesterday. Epic dog, getting along well enough with everyone. Other dogs getting used to him. Work in progress.
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