Sunday, January 30, 2011

It Seems April Might Wind Up A Semi-Busy Month

Ulcers suck.
[And to clarify; I don't mean anything along the lines of, say, stomach ulcers. Just those irritating bumps you get on your tongue from eating too much of something sour/citrus-y. Something I brought upon myself, yet again, but that doesn't make it any better.]

In other news: Candles are awesome. Matches are awesomer for allowing me to have candles lit. My neighbor's cats are kind of awesome, too. [An odd statement in itself - 'cats' and 'awesome' don't go together too often.] Tank tops are not the most suitable attire for holding a cat that really isn't fond of being force-fed medicine. I could very easily be attending prom in a couple months. Those little bottles of syrup you get at Cracker Barrel are definitely worth stocking up on, for when you run out at home and just happen to be having pancakes.

In more specific, weirder news; "WAIT WATI WAIT...Meg+prom? Wut." 
Which, if I were you, would totally be my reaction to that randomly-placed sentence in the text-block above, so I'm going to go ahead and assume it's your reaction, too.
Either way. Boyfriend now seemingly interested in going. [Love is a funny thing - I do believe it makes people do things they otherwise wouldn't. I mean, nobody sane would actually think of bringing me along to something that would include any type of dancing, so surely he must be unstable. Or maybe that's why we get along so well: We're both nuts.] Meaning, should that play out, I'm going to need a dress....and more frighteningly, heels. Something both to look forward to, and dread just a little bit. 

Oh. Other news I seem to have skipped mentioning the last few days: As my sister's 16th birthday was Wednesday, and one of the only things she asked for was a concert, it seems we get to go to that. So, massive amounts of yay. The yay is amplified by the fact one of my bestbest friends [For the past like...4 1/2 years that I've still yet to meet in person...] is likely going to wind up going as well. So it'll really just be a pile of awesome. 
All Time Low - Yellowcard - Hey Monday - The Summer Set. 
Now, as we've already seen ATL and Hey Monday, we know they're pretty awesome. [Honestly, I'm really not too fond of Hey Monday as a whole, but they sort of kick ass live, so it's all good. And it's hard to dislike ATL.] The Summer Set is generally not a type of music I'm insanely fond of, but they're tolerable at least. And Yellowcard is massive amounts of awesome. 
So. Moar things to look forward to. This one without any traces of dread. [Not, of course, to say I'm actually terrified of the idea of prom or anything. Just...mildly disturbed, is all.]

K. I might bother taking more/uploading pictures here in a bit. Go me for some odd form of productivity.