Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Standard 'hi thar' and things and stuff....

Hi there, Internet. 
I've no idea how you got here. I probably told you about it. If not, welcome, stranger. 
Quickly rambling past all the fancy little formalities here....A couple notes; 
  • No, this is not my first blog. Yes, my others kind of...fell asleep, if you will. A very long, deep, deadly-silent sleep....Why? Because I'm a horrific blogger and I get side-tracked very easily. 
  • No, I don't 'plan' on murdering - did I say that? I mean....neglecting - this one. [But then, I didn't plan on that happening to the others, either. Promises - I offer none.]
  • I'm a little on the...derpy side. [Well. 'Herpderp' is probably a good way to describe me most of the time. But I tend to lean towards the 'derp' side more - 'herp' just makes me think 'herpes' and unless my boyfriend has something to tell me, I'm definitely leaning far away from that end.] Meaning I tend to be confusing and senseless more often than not. You'll learn to love it. Or you won't.
  • This really is just going to be a giant mash [A blog about random things...NO WAY. Gee, I hadn't heard of anything like that before either! So much originality and newness it almost hurts, doesn't it?] 
Anyway. Basic notes there. 
I could go on an exceedingly long tangent about me and my me-ness, but why put you through that when I'm sure you'll decipher the Rubix Cube that is Meg all in good time - probably more thoroughly, at that - yourself? 
That said, if interested, a good place to start would be that block of words and mumblings and whatnot on the side to the right. Otherwise, consider this your go-ahead to ask anything and everything you could want to know about me. [Or, rather, things you don't actually care about but feel like asking anyway - be it to make me uncomfortable, or to seem even more brilliant to anyone looking at your little comments. Which, sorry to tell you, might only be me. But it's the thought that counts, right?]
And if you're curious, but particularly shy...

On a totally unrelated note;
Why is it so many people in public restrooms seem to think the soap is merely there for show? Soap is slowly but surely becoming obsolete.