Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Exaggeration of Annoyances in Blog-Starting

I always forget how much work it can be, setting up new blogs and whatnot. 
Mostly just because I can be terribly picky. I'm very into most things artsy, and stuff like this makes me twitch. I love it, but I love it in the sense that I love doing it....yet I'm constantly toying with it. Because it's just never right.
Which tends to leave me kind of....
Like this; 


So you can imagine my vague irritation. 
That said, I think I like this template. Whoohoo paint splatters!
You just wait. I'll change it tomorrow when I get sick of the blue font or something.
That's another thing. Why the hell does everyone insist on using font colors that clash so dramatically with the pictures in templates? WHY? Either they have a color you can't see, one that makes you blind just by looking at it, or some that are just flat-out repulsive. [I mean really. Nobody likes that mustard color for words. Nobody.]